Tips for Meeting Your Savings Goals

Tips for Meeting Your Savings Goals

Published by The Coupon Marketplace on 26th Jan 2023

As January winds down, we want to check in on your savings goals and resolutions. It’s sometimes difficult to stick to new habits. According to experts, it can take anywhere from 18 to 254 days for a person to form a new habit and an average of 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic.

Good news for you is --- you’re not alone. We’re all out here struggling trying to make our resolutions stick. The even better news is that you have us in your corner to help you achieve your savings goals.

Here are some tips to keep your financial goals on track throughout the year:

COUPONING 101 Quick Tips:

For those new to couponing:

  • Try couponing at one store first. Don’t overwhelm yourself with multiple stores.
  • Learn the store’s coupon policy. (You can find this on the store’s website or ask an employee at the customer service desk).
  • Get the store’s weekly or monthly flyers. These show deals and sales throughout the store.
  • Make a list of items that you need or that your family uses most often.
  • Then, get all the coupons that you need to go with those items right here on The Coupon Marketplace.

Overall Tips for Meeting Your Savings Goals:

  • -Break Down Big Goals into Smaller Goals - First take a look at your long-term goals and see if there are ways to break them into smaller goals with shorter time frames. When you accomplish your smaller goals, it will help motivate you and keep you moving towards that long-term bigger goal. Smaller goals alleviate the pressure of a big goal and give a sense of accomplishment.
  • -Use Positive Reinforcement – Set up rewards for accomplishing your goals, or for achieving steps towards your goals. Positive reinforcement fills our brains with happy endorphins and dopamine, which can help motivate us to continue accomplishing our goals.

    If you are trying to save money when you shop by using coupons or other saving methods, the rush you get when you see your price drop at the check out counter can be a source of positive reinforcement.
  • -Plan Ahead! – Yes, planning takes a little time, but it will save you time in the store and money in your wallet. Make a list and stick to it. If you are trying to save when you shop, the best thing you can do is make a list and check available coupons before you shop. Sometimes grabbing a little something here or there can be a reward, but those little somethings that are not on your list do add up overtime.

    Clipped coupons can help you save time, which can also help you save money long-term. The Coupon Marketplace has a variety of coupons to help you save and plan ahead. We update our clipped coupons several times each week. Be sure to check our site when you make your weekly list to see if we have coupons you will need so you can stay on target. Also, keep organized with our coupon organizers.
  • -Get Specific - If you have a goal for the money you save, whether it’s to simply have more pocket cash, pad your savings, or spend on something special later in the year, having a specific goal in mind will help keep you motivated. Write down the exact dollar amount you want to save long-term and then break that down into short-term amounts.
  • -Visualize Your Goal - Post photos of your goal or write reminders on post-its and stick them somewhere you will see daily so you feel motivated by your goals and continue on your savings journey. Write down the exact dollar amount you want to save in the short and long-term and post it up somewhere. If there is a plan for what that money is going to, draw or find a photo of that end goal and post that too.

    Having a tangible representation of your goal will help keep you focused on WHY you are saving and keep you motivated to stay on track. This will also help remind you to plan ahead.

To help you with your weekly savings goals, check out The Coupon Marketplace for coupons that meet your shopping needs before you make your lists. You can always call or text us if you need a little help. That’s what we are here for!